Adaptic Watches
A minimal, durable watch for every scenario.
GQ Britain Magazine
Glamour Magazine
Wired Magazine
GQ Britain Magazine
Glamour Magazine
Wired Magazine
Adaptic Watches is a minimal watch brand designed to be worn in any situation—indoor or outdoor, formal or informal.
The project was successfully funded on Kickstarter and was sold online from 2016-2019. All product design, branding, web design, and content creation were performed by myself. I have since closed down the business as a foundational chapter in my design career, and I feel grateful to have been able to show off the product in GQ Britain, Glamour, and Wired Magazines.

Product concept.
The idea for the brand revolved around the idea of exchangeability and adaptability to any situation, so interchangeable bands, both leather and nylon, are included with each watch face to help truly push that idea of use. And with the body being manufactured from stainless steel and a quartz crystal face, durability wouldn't be an issue either.

Development process.
Early sketch concepts revolved around a minimalistic styled watch to fit in with what's currently popular on the market. I was prototyping initially with 3D printed casings and backs and individually purchased watch movements for basic proofs of concept. I hoped initially to actually 3D print the final casings, and assemble the watch start to finish at home, but it ended up being a massive amount of work, and I knew far too little about the manufacturing process to make that actually a possibility.

Early sketches and physical prototyping
I initially went through multiple case iterations, but I was able to work with a manufacturer to put together a finished version and subsequent renderings. We then got samples manufactured, made some revisions, and put through the first round of manufacturing.

Manufacturer samples
Brand & lifestyle.
The mark was intended to stay simplistic and clean, with the name hinting at the intent of the brand. But outside of a clean and minimal look and feel, I wanted Adaptic Watches to be more than that. Not that it’s a very unique idea, but I wanted to show the kind of lifestyle that inspired the project to begin with.
Adaptable, minimal, and functional. Inside or outside, Adaptic is the right watch for every situation. The majority of the lifestyle photos were all taken by me, minus the few I’m in. But I also wanted to push the community aspect of adventure, and that played a big part in designing the website.

Brand / lifestyle photography
Website build.
I built the site to be a place where the brand could keep growing, but also showcase the capabilities of the watch and the lifestyle. But a big part of building the brand to begin with was to encourage adventure and socialization. So why not let the site be a place for others to showcase how they live their lives.

Website screenshots
I put together the lyfestyle section specifically with that purpose in mind. Each collaborator got a selection of product to use however they use it, then we showcase their work on our site to build that collaborative relationship. Each gallery had no requirements, just show off your style in whatever way you see fit. Here are a few of the collaborations worth highlighting:
Christian Santiago
Provo, UT
[ website ]
Paul Stanley
Long Island, NY
[ instagram ]
Tim Felton
Amherst, MA
[ instagram ]

Adaptic Watches was up and running for three years until I made the decision to shut the doors to pursue other passions and projects. Such a phenomenally fun project that allowed for an excuse to explore the full lifecycle process of creating a product and a business, as well as an opportunity to recognize all the parts of a business that I never want to be in charge of.
On to the next startup.